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Open House Workshops
Linux Internals
This course teaches attendees to acquaint developers with the fundamental subsystems, data structures, and API of the Linux kernel.

Target Audience
The course is designed for software engineers who are familiar with Linux from the user and application development level, who wish to gain understanding of how the Linux kernel works internally.

Additional, assumed prerequisite knowledge is experience in configuring and installing Linux kernels.
Linux Kernel Overview
Interrupt Context
Memory Management
Virtual Filesystem / Block Devices
Duration: 3 Days
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Linux Device Drivers
Overall objective of this class is to teach attendees on how to develop device drivers for Linux. This course provides substantial practice with the key steps in developing Linux device drivers. The course teaches attendees how device drivers work with the Linux kernel, how to compile and load drivers, how to debug drivers, as well as other essential topics The course progresses through a number of topics. Each topic is presented along with a supporting laboratory exercise before moving on to the next topic.

Target Audience
The course is designed for software engineers who are new to Linux device drivers. Attendees should have experience with C, be able to perform basic UNIX commands, and have some experience with the basic Gnu tools of gcc, gdb, and make.

Linux Drivers Overview
Character Drivers
Accessing Hardware
Accessing PCI Hardware
Kernel Programming
USB Drivers
Handling Interrupts
Block Drivers
File System Modules
Kernel debugging & Profiling overview

Duration 5 Days
Download Detailed Course Contents
Python Workshop


Embedded Linux Development
This course focuses on how Linux has been adapted for use in embedded environments, with specific emphasis on the ARM architecture. Through extensive hands-on lab work, you learn how to install a cross-development environment, build a compact version of Linux for an embedded device, install the build on the target system, and test its operation.

You’ll create and test programs that exercise I/O as well as networking applications using ARM Cortex-based target Pandaboard kit.

Target Audience

The course is designed for embedded engineers who are new to embedded Linux. Attendees should have experience with the C programming language, processor architectures, memory management and basic UNIX knowledge.

Linux features and characteristics
Linux as an Embedded OS
Board Support Package (BSP)
BSP & Target Board Bring-up
The Embedded Kernel
Advanced Scheduling & Real Time
Real Time in Linux
Embedded I/O Management
Embedded Storage Management
Networking in Embedded Linux

Duration 3 Days
For Detailed Course Contents contact S-We-C

Open GL (ES)
This course teaches attendees the architecture of OpenGL (ES) and its implementation. Write programs using OpenGL (ES) Write 3D graphics applications for embedded systems with OpenGL (ES)

Target Audience
Attendees should be able to read simple programs written in the C language. No previous experience with writing graphics programs is required. The course includes some basic concepts from linear algebra (vector notation and matrix multiplication), but previous knowledge of these subjects is not required.

Introduction to 3-D Graphics
Introduction to GLUT
Basic Animation
Alternative ways of passing geometry to OpenGL
Alpha Blending & Fog
Texture Mapping
Advanced Texture Mapping
Interactive Graphics
Programmable Pipeline and GL Shading Language (GLSL)
Vertex Shader
Fragment Shader
Frame buffer

Duration 5 Days
For Detailed Course Contents contact S-We-C
OpenFOAM® Advanced Course
This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD toolbox. OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit their needs. It covers general use and programming of OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the Foundation Course.

Advanced meshing in OpenFOAM
Assessing mesh quality
Setting boundary regions and conditions
Selecting discretisation schemes
Choices of linear solvers
On-the-fly post-processing
External aerodynamics
Advanced algorithms and methods in OpenFOAM solvers
Runtime selection
Boundary conditions for the finite volume method
Implementing new boundary conditions in OpenFOAM
Virtual functions in C++
Implementing new turbulence and transport models in OpenFOAM
Template classes in C++
Thermophysical modelling in OpenFOAM

Duration 3 Days
For Detailed Course Contents contact S-We-C
Multicore Computing & Parallel Programming with OpenMP
This course is an overview of OpenMP parallel programming for shared memory systems. Users will learn how to apply OpenMP compiler directives to their codes, optimization strategies to follow, and pitfalls to avoid.
Also, an overview of using OpenCL and CUDA will be demonstrated with exercises.

Target Audience
Anyone interested in using or writing parallel programs
Experience with C programming language

Introduction and Concepts of Multicore
Programming Models - SMP
OpenMP Introduction, Concepts, working model
Parallel programming techniques(task, data, loop level parallelization)
Fine grained, coarse-grained Parallelization
Heterogeneous architecture
OpenCL using any OpenCL SDKs.

Duration 3 Days
For Detailed Course Contents contact S-We-C
Android Application development and System Internals
At the end of the course participants will be:
Comfortable enough to develop android applications by utilizing optimal methods and features          of android, on their own.
Will gain the deep understanding of android system internals, native code development.
Will have thorough idea of building and porting the android source code along with developed          applications.

Target Audience
This course is designed for developers interested in developing applications with android and exploring android framework internals. Knowledge of Java Programming, basic C Programming and Basic Linux Understanding required.

What is Android?
Android Application Architecture
DDMS perspective and important views
adb Shell
Main Building Blocks
Threading in Android
Android Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
Data Storage Methods
Android User Interface
Multimedia in Android
Java Native Interface (JNI)
Native Development Kit (NDK)
Customizing the build

Duration 4 Days
For Detailed Course Contents contact S-We-C
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